Our Programs

How We Work

We partner

We can’t do it alone! As Helen Keller said, Alone we can do so little; together

We Support

GIMMF supports less privileged youth and families to make their difficult lives

We Concert

GMMF works hands in hands with beneficiaries. As Mahatma Gandhi said,

Our Program

Computer Classes for Immigrant Adults and Seniors (CCIAS)

The Computer Classes for Immigrant Adults and Seniors (CCIAS) is a GIMMF unique training program designed for immigrant adults and seniors to help 

Immigrant Education Sponsorship Program (IESP)

ESP is a GIMMF initiative that aims to help newcomer and immigrant children and youth access a descent education by providing them with school supplies, uniforms, laptops, and other aid

Immigrant Economic Empowerment Program (IEEP)

The IEEP is a GIMMF initiative that aims to empower newcomers and immigrants of Calgary with entrepreneurial training and eventually financing to start and operate microbusinesses. 

Newcomer and Immigrant Employment Services (NIES)

The NIES is a GIMMF initiative that aims to help unemployed newcomers and immigrants find a job by providing them with training on job search techniques, resume writing, job interview preparation, and placement assistance whenever possible. GIMMF will

Education Sponsorship Program (ESP)

GIMMF supports education of less privileged children in Rwanda, Africa to help them access a decent education. We provide school supplies, uniforms, tuition fees, toiletries and other education aid such teaching materials.


Economic Empowerment Program (EEP)

GIMMF empowers people in need in Rwanda by providing them with entrepreneurial training and financial support to start and grow microprojects to create jobs and generate income.


Health care Program in Rwanda

GIMMF is committed to providing support to less privileged populations to access basic healthcare. GIMMF will provide annual healthcare cards to eligible underprivileged beneficiaries to access basic care services such as generic drugs and medical consultation throughout the year.